
Waste management planning by territorial authorities.

Disposal – final deposit of waste on land set apart for the purpose.

Diversion methods – methods for managing waste that reuse, recycle, and recover waste. These methods divert waste from landfills.

Landfill – an area of land set apart for the controlled disposal of solid waste.

LTCCP – long-term council community plan.

Methods for managing waste – those methods identified in the Local Government Act 1974; namely reduction, reuse, recycling, recovery, treatment, and disposal.

Recovery – extraction of materials or energy from waste for further use or processing, and includes, but is not limited to, making materials into compost.

Recycling – reprocessing waste materials to produce new products.

Reduction – lessening waste generation.

Residual waste – the waste that remains after any waste diversion has occurred and that will require disposal.

Reuse – further using of products in their existing form for their original purpose or a similar purpose.

Territorial authority – city and district councils; it does not include regional councils.

Treatment – subjecting waste to any physical, biological, or chemical process to change the volume or character of that waste so that it may be disposed of with no, or reduced, significant adverse effect on the environment.

Waste – in this report, any solid waste that may be reused, recycled, recovered, treated, or disposed of in a landfill. This definition may differ from that in documents prepared by other government agencies.

Waste hierarchy – giving priority to methods for reduction, reuse, recycling, recovery, treatment, and disposal of waste, in that order of importance.

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