Note 8: Debtors and other receivables

Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2008.
4,319 Debtors 4,613
(216) Less provision for impairment of receivables (161)
4,103 Net debtors 4,452
- Crown debtor -
- Other receivables 3
4,103 Total receivables 4,455

The carrying value of debtors and other receivables approximates their fair value.

As of 30 June 2008 and 2007, all overdue receivables have been assessed for impairment and appropriate provisions applied, as detailed below:

2007 2008
  Gross Impairment Net Gross Impairment Net
  $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000
Current 3,470 - 3,470 3,299 - 3,299
31 to 60 days 279 (27) 252 397 - 397
61 to 90 days 131 (12) 119 332 - 332
91 to 120 days 73 (27) 46 191 - 191
Over 120 days 366 (150) 216 397 (161) 236
Carrying amount 4,319 (216) 4,103 4,616 (161) 4,455

The impairment provision has been calculated based on expected losses for the Office’s pool of debtors. Expected losses have been determined based on an analysis of the Office’s losses in previous periods and review of specific debtors.

Movements in the provision for impairment of receivables are as follows:

Actual   Actual
2007   2008
$000   $000
320 Balance at 1 July 216
(104) Additional provisions made during the year (41)
- Receivables written off during the period (14)
216 Balance at 30 June 161
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