Statement of output expenses, other expenses, and capital expenditure against appropriations

for the year ended 30 June 2013

Annual Report 2012/13

This statement reports actual expenses incurred against each appropriation administered by the Office.

Vote Audit Actual
Supp. Estimates
$000 $000 $000
Appropriations for output expenses
Multi-class output appropriations
Legislative auditor
3,047 Supporting accountability to Parliament 2,515 2,685
5,790 Performance audits and inquiries 6,550 6,587
8,837 Total legislative auditor 9,065 9,272
Annual and other appropriations
150 Audit and assurance services 150 150
70,579 Provision of audit and assurance services (revenue-dependent appropriation)1 69,298 68,687
79,566 Total appropriations for output expenses 78,513 78,109
Other expenses to be incurred by the Office
848 Remuneration of the Auditor-General and Deputy Auditor-General2 883 883
1,153 Capital expenditure 3,823 4,419
81,567 Total 83,219 83,411

1 Revenue-dependent appropriation – Provision of audit and assurance services. In 2012/13, the Office earned $70.041 million from audit and assurance services – refer Note 3. The Office is permitted to incur expenditure up to the amount of revenue earned for this appropriation.

2 Costs incurred pursuant to clause 5 of Schedule 3 of the Public Audit Act 2001.

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

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