Timeliness of reporting by public entities during the 12 months to 30 June 2014

Categories of public entities On time Not on time Total
Late Not been issued
Central government entities
Government departments 37 0 0 37
Entities related to government departments 11 5 1 17
Crown research institutes 7 0 0 7
Subsidiaries and entities related to Crown research institutes 26 2 0 28
District health boards 19 1 0 20
Subsidiaries and entities related to district health boards 17 4 6 27
Tertiary education institutions 29 0 0 29
Subsidiaries and entities related to tertiary education institutions 90 6 15 111
Other Crown entities 64 0 0 64
Subsidiaries and entities related to other Crown entities 78 4 0 82
Other central government entities 69 8 6 83
Subsidiaries and entities related to other central government entities 20 4 0 24
State-owned enterprises and mixed-ownership companies 17 1 0 18
Subsidiaries and entities related to State-owned enterprises and mixed-ownership companies 87 16 1 104
Rural education activities programmes 12 2 0 14
Schools 1100 602 725 2427
Subsidiaries and entities related to schools 16 6 12 34
Local Government Entities
Local authorities 72 6 0 78
Council-controlled organisations 159 15 5 179
Exempt council-controlled organisations 25 3 1 29
Other local government entities 50 9 4 63
Energy, port and airport companies
Energy companies 24 0 0 24
Subsidiaries and entities related to energy companies 46 1 0 47
Port companies 12 0 0 12
Subsidiaries and entities related to port companies 22 1 1 24
Airport companies 19 0 0 19
Subsidiaries and entities related to airport companies 4 0 0 4
Other public entities 
Fish and game councils 15 0 0 15
Administering bodies and reserve boards 6 17 15 38
Cemetery trusts 8 68 19 95
Licensing and community trusts 12 4 4 20
Subsidiaries and entities related to licensing and community trusts 15 4 0 19
Māori trust boards 5 1 5 11
Section 19 entities 4 2 0 6
Total 2197 792 820 3809